Source code for tasks.affect.sleep_get

import os
from typing import Any
from typing import List

from tasks.affect.base import Affect

[docs] class SleepGet(Affect): """ **Description:** This tasks gets sleep affect data for specific patient. """ name: str = "affect_sleep_get" chat_name: str = "AffectSleepGet" description: str = ( "Returns the sleep data for a specific patient over a date or a period (if two dates are provided). " "This will return the detailed raw data and stores it in the datapipe." ) dependencies: List[str] = [] inputs: List[str] = [ "user ID in string. It can be refered as user, patient, individual, etc. Start with 'par_' following with a number (e.g., 'par_1').", "start date of the sleep data in string with the following format: `%Y-%m-%d`", ( "end date of the sleep data in string with the following format: `%Y-%m-%d`. " "If there is no end date, the value should be an empty string (i.e., '')" ), ] outputs: List[str] = [ "returns an array of json objects which contains the following keys:" "\n**date (in milliseconds)**: epoch format" "\n**total_sleep_time (in minutes)**: is Total amount of sleep (a.k.a. sleep duration) registered during the sleep period." "\n**awake_duration (in minutes)**: is the total amount of awake time registered during the sleep period." "\n**light_sleep_duration (in minutes)**: is the total amount of light (N1 or N2) sleep registered during the sleep period." "\n**rem_sleep_duration (in minutes)**: is the total amount of REM sleep registered during the sleep period." "\n**deep_sleep_duration (in minutes)**: is the total amount of deep (N3) sleep registered during the sleep period." "\n**sleep_onset_latency (in minutes)**: is detected latency from bedtime_start to the beginning of the first" "five minutes of persistent sleep." "\n**midpoint_time_of_sleep (in minutes)**: is the time from the start of sleep to the midpoint of sleep. The midpoint ignores awake periods." "\n**sleep_efficiency**: is the percentage of the sleep period spent asleep (100% * sleep duration / time in bed)." "\n**average_heart_rate**: is the average heart rate registered during the sleep period." "\n**minimum_heart_rate**: is the lowest heart rate (5 minutes sliding average) registered during the sleep period." "\n**rmssd is the average**: Root Mean Square of Successive Differences (RMSSD) registered during the sleep period." "\n**average_breathing_rate**: is the average breathing rate registered during the sleep period." "\n**temperature_variation**: is the skin temperature deviation from the long-term temperature average." ] # False if the output should directly passed back to the planner. # True if it should be stored in datapipe output_type: bool = True # file_name: str = "sleep.csv" device_name: str = "oura" local_dir: str = "data/affect" columns_to_keep: List[str] = [ "date", "total", "awake", "light", "rem", "deep", "onset_latency", "midpoint_time", "efficiency", "hr_average", "hr_lowest", "rmssd", "breath_average", "temperature_delta", ] columns_revised: List[str] = [ "date", "total_sleep_time", "awake_duration", "light_sleep_duration", "rem_sleep_duration", "deep_sleep_duration", "sleep_onset_latency", "midpoint_time_of_sleep", "sleep_efficiency", "average_heart_rate", "minimum_heart_rate", "rmssd", "average_breathing_rate", "temperature_variation", ] variables_in_seconds: List[str] = [ "total_sleep_time", "awake_duration", "light_sleep_duration", "rem_sleep_duration", "deep_sleep_duration", "sleep_onset_latency", "midpoint_time_of_sleep", ]
[docs] def _execute( self, inputs: List[Any], ) -> str: user_id = inputs[0].strip() full_dir = os.path.join( self.local_dir, user_id, self.device_name ) df = self._get_data( local_dir=full_dir, file_name=self.file_name, start_date=inputs[1].strip(), end_date=inputs[2].strip(), usecols=self.columns_to_keep, ) df.columns = self.columns_revised df = self._convert_seconds_to_minutes( df, self.variables_in_seconds ) df = df.round(2) json_out = df.to_json(orient="records") return json_out