Source code for tasks.extract_text

import io
from typing import Any
from typing import List
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import requests
from pydantic import model_validator

from tasks.task import BaseTask

[docs] class ExtractText(BaseTask): """ **Description:** This task extracts all the text from the current webpage. """ name: str = "extract_text" chat_name: str = "ExtractText" description: str = "Extract all the text on the current webpage" dependencies: List[str] = [] inputs: List[str] = [ "url to extract the text from. It requires links which is gathered from other tools. Never provide urls on your own." ] outputs: List[str] = [ "An string containing the text of the scraped webpage." ] output_type: bool = False sync_playwright: Any = None high_level: Any = None bs4: Any = None
[docs] @model_validator(mode="before") def check_acheck_bs_importrgs(cls, values: dict) -> dict: """ Check that the arguments are valid. Args: values (Dict): The current attribute values. Return: Dict: The updated attribute values. Raise: ImportError: If 'beautifulsoup4', 'lxml', or 'pdfminer' packages are not installed. """ try: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # noqa: F401 values["bs4"] = BeautifulSoup except ImportError: raise ImportError( "The 'beautifulsoup4' package is required to use this tool." " Please install it with 'pip install beautifulsoup4'." ) try: import lxml # noqa: F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "The 'lxml' package is required to use this tool." " Please install it with 'pip install lxml'." ) try: from pdfminer import high_level # noqa: F401 values["high_level"] = high_level except ImportError: raise ImportError( "The 'pdfminer' package is required to use this tool." " Please install it with 'pip install pdfminer.six'." ) try: from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright values["sync_playwright"] = sync_playwright except ImportError: raise ImportError( "The 'playwright' package is required to use this tool." " Please install it with 'pip install playwright'." ) return values
[docs] def validate_url(self, url): """ This method validates a given URL by checking if its scheme is either 'http' or 'https'. Args: url (str): The URL to be validated. Return: str: The validated URL. Raise: ValueError: If the URL scheme is not 'http' or 'https'. """ parsed_url = urlparse(url) if parsed_url.scheme not in ("http", "https"): raise ValueError("URL scheme must be 'http' or 'https'") return url
[docs] def _execute( self, inputs: List[Any], ) -> str: """ Execute the ExtractText task. Args: input (str): The input parameter for the task. Return: str: The extracted text from the current webpage. Raise: ValueError: If the synchronous browser is not provided. """ self.validate_url(inputs[0].strip()) if inputs[0].lower().endswith(".pdf"): # Request the PDF content from the URL response = requests.get(inputs[0]) if response.status_code == 200: # Use BytesIO to create an in-memory stream pdf_stream = io.BytesIO(response.content) # Extract text from the PDF stream text = self.high_level.extract_text(pdf_stream) # Wrap text in basic HTML tags html_content = ( f"<html><body><p>{text}</p></body></html>" ) # Parse the HTML content with BeautifulSoup soup = self.bs4(html_content, "lxml") return " ".join( text for text in soup.stripped_strings ) else: return "Error extracting text. The url is wrong. Try again." else: with self.sync_playwright() as playwright: chromium = ( playwright.chromium ) # or "firefox" or "webkit". browser = chromium.launch() page = browser.new_page() response = page.goto(inputs[0]) status = response.status if response else "unknown" if status == 200: html_content = page.content() # Parse the HTML content with BeautifulSoup soup = self.bs4(html_content, "lxml") page.close() browser.close() return " ".join( text for text in soup.stripped_strings ) else: page.close() browser.close() return "Error extracting text. The url is wrong. Try again."
[docs] def explain( self, ) -> str: """ Explain the ExtractText task. Return: str: A brief explanation of the ExtractText task. """ return "This task returns the ulr of the current page."